I’ve said it before in at least one of these articles. My highest purpose as a human being is to inspire others. I aspire to inspire. I may not be tremendously effective, but I will strive for it. I’d like now to take a look at the different ways we can inspire others and how it can be done most effectively.
One Person at a Time
Perhaps the most subtle and maybe the most important form of inspiration is done by example. Parents have the opportunity to instill good actions and habits in their children simply by being the people they should be. I don’t mean to make that sound easy. We have our shortcomings, our defenses and our own special examples of ignorance. It’s tough being a perfect parent, but there are those who naturally show the way without being preachy about it. They are the heroes of our civilization.
Similarly, there are those who inspire simply by using their talent. By doing what they do, whether it’s professionally or by displaying their hobbies, they make others want to rise to another level in whatever endeavor. The singer in concert, the artist exhibiting in a gallery, the IT expert showing you the way through the technical maze all might spark a career path for a lost individual.
In a Cluster
Inspiration of this type comes in a classroom, a Zoom room, any meeting venue or wherever a group of people gathers. Teachers can lift their students with knowledge, club leaders can point their members along the path of improvement and innovators can excite their sponsors with ideas.
En Masse
Then there are those who find a platform to inspire many at one time. The gifted speakers, the over-achievers, the athletes who outperform the best of the best. Whether it’s the spiritual teacher, the rare beloved politician, or the charismatic actor just to name a few, this person who can uplift the masses is a wonder of humanity.
How to Inspire
I refer now to an author I respect very much and a book he wrote called Inspiration. The subtitle is Your Ultimate Calling. The author is Dr. Wayne W. Dyer. He lists a number of ways we can be an inspiration to others. Following is the list and a short key excerpt from each item.
- Kindness: “…one simple act of kindness and service that’s in alignment with our Source will do more to inspire others than lectures on the virtues of being a thoughtful citizen ever could.”
- Gratitude: “If we practice gratitude as opposed to maintaining an attitude of entitlement, we’ll automatically extend inspiration wherever we go.”
- Generosity: “Generous actions are always inspirational if we just spend a few seconds to notice and appreciate them. The message is that we must give whatever it is that we have that will benefit others.”
- Listening: “…we’re far more inspiring to others when we’re willing to listen than when we’re giving them advice. That’s because conveying to others that we value what they have to say is a way of demonstrating that we care.”
- Being at peace: “…when we simply demonstrate that we’re living peacefully, we offer other people a large dose of inspiration by our mere presence.’
- Living passionately: “When we’re enthusiastically living our passion, whatever it may be, we transmit spiritual signals to those around us that we’re in-Spirit, loving who we are, what we came here to be, and whoever comes into our field of vision.”
- Truth: “…we need to live and breathe truth because nothing inspires other people more than being in its energy field.”
An Art Within Reach
A point of admiration I have for Wayne Dyer’s approach to being an inspiration to others is that it doesn’t require a superpower. We don’t have to be a star. We don’t have to produce the next great thing. We don’t need to have enough money to start a foundation. We can inspire whoever enters our sphere simply by being a giving, open, loving person who cares about others. Quietly setting a fine example is purely inspirational. We can do this. May we make it so.