Since this is my first blog, let’s just get acquainted. The reason for this website is that Boundless Trust is being published by Black Rose Writing and in today’s world of publishing, an author is expected to do everything possible to market the book. Having one’s own website is a must if the author is to be professional about his craft. Driving people to the website and enticing them to return is a key to selling books. Use of social media brings attention to the author and the book or books. The blog needs to be entertaining and informative. It’s a service and hopefully the readers glean something of value from it. I am honored that people may visit and read what I write on whatever the subject.
While I plan to energetically promote my books and I could use the money the sales generate, personal gain is secondary to providing inspiration to those readers who are drawn to read a book such as Boundless Trust. Since writing my first story, a two-pager about a boy who fell in a hole, only to be rescued of course through the heroics of his dog, I knew I wanted to be an author. Of the many stories and other pieces that followed, I sold some and filed away most. It was only about 10 years ago I examined why I was forever drawn to writing. After short consideration, I realized my innermost purpose was to create an effect on others. I wanted them to feel and think, learn and grow. At the core of this effect, I hoped readers would be inspired, by which I mean uplifted in spirit. Then, perhaps, they would be moved to seek further growth or take action to change conditions or whatever their illumination would motivate within them. Fame and fortune are tantalizing, but when I’ve made my transition to the next reality I would most treasure knowing my literary works have brought some form of inspiration to many spiritual beings, or at least one.
What in the world makes me do this? It seems to be a deep motivation linked with the stuff of life. Stuff like breathing, love, pack mentality at its highest level. It truly is an impulse driven by purpose. What makes me think I can inspire others, though? I have little evidence on which to base my belief. I mean, we’ve all inspired some people in our world. Perhaps you have pushed through some adversity such as a nagging illness or injury and done what you had to do. Maybe you ran a marathon or fought back against all odds in a sporting event and became a hero for a day. Could it be you put yourself in danger to advocate for others who were under oppression of some kind? Whether it’s on a grand scale or you inspire your child to do better in school, you can probably find a time or two when you have inspired another to whom you’re connected. Honestly, I do believe there is a connection with all living beings and what you do affects me to some minute degree at least. As for inspiring those in my sphere of influence, I don’t think I’ve done more than the average human. I’ve had a few moments. Some of my best work has been showing others what not to do…inspiration by poor example. Nonetheless, I have this inner urge to spread a word of inspiration and I would like to think I’m gaining on my quest.
I dream that people reading the book will find it speaks to them in a significant way. I dream they will say “This opens a whole new way of living for me” or “I am so moved by this story” or some such other comment that suggests they felt it in their hearts. There’s always that other potentiality of people hating it. Those with opposing views may buy the book without invitation and find my characters’ views on spirituality are an affront to all they believe. Or worse, no one will bother to read it after being kind enough to buy it and no one else will notice my needle of a book amid the worldwide haystack of books in bookstores and online. Meanwhile, I happily create this fledgling blog with nary a hit to show for it. I could be writing to myself only and inspiring only me for inspired sentence construction. Unseen public journaling while humming The Happy Wanderer.
Well, I look forward to creating this heartfelt content for whomever may happen upon my website and I do hope to entertain, stimulate and inspire someone other than myself. Even if nobody reads it, I’m sending a ripple into the matrix. May you feel it one way or another.
Robert (Bo) Ongley