Who out there knows someone who is living a full, flourishing life that is characterized by its simplicity? You know, the stay-at-home mom who maintains a chaotic home with a couple children and a busy husband? Or that self-employed contractor that runs all over the county promoting and operating his business from dawn to dusk? And there are so many of those blissfully retired folks with nothing but time on their hands for whom simplicity is just about driving them up their sterile walls. Okay, okay, it’s not so easy to blend what might outwardly appear to be a formula for a simple life with the practical, healthy need for productivity.
It is my belief that every generation hearkens back at some point to an earlier time when life was simpler. The 1950’s seem simpler. To those in control of the world at that time, the turn of the century probably looked attractive and less complex. I suspect that the demands of society in humankind’s first villages were stressing out homo sapiens who preferred to go it alone or keep it down to family only. Day to day living tends to get convoluted and many-faceted on its own if we don’t keep it simple.
“Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand; instead of a million count half a dozen, and keep your accounts on your thumb nail.”

But how do we keep it simple without sacrificing productivity? Daniel Wallen wrote a helpful article for Lifehack that I would like to share in part with you. He incorporates 20 tips on simplification into the reality of our modern existence on this planet. Here are some of my favorites.
Eliminate distractions
Live in the moment
Spend less time behind the wheel
Cook in bulk
Wake up an hour early
Silence your phone
Slow down at the dinner table
Learn to say “no”
These are excellent basic ideas on which you can easily expand. For Daniel’s full explanations of each of these and more, please check out his article at Lifehack.org, titled 20 Simple But Powerful Changes You Can Make To Simplify Your Life. These will save time in some cases and allow you to enjoy life in real time even when you’re busy. Live it to the fullest, but dial it back to experience all it has to give.